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Thursday, 30 November 2017


You will be amazed at how much money you can save on a monthly basis and be able to kick debt out of your life. 

The best way to start saving money is to get out of debt as quickly as possible and have the discipline to stay out of debt. People who have a lot of consumer debt and other loans do not have the cash flow to save in the first place. Debt-ridden individuals end up paying interest to the credit companies instead of earning interest on savings.

Debt can linger on and on for years, making it nearly impossible for people to save. Thankfully, there are many ways one can master to get out of debt but you just have to be willing to do so.
It’s not easy, especially if you’re used to being in debt, but if you have decided to get out of debt and you are really determined to do so, I have put down some steps for you to follow; 

  • First I recommend listing your debts one by one. You may choose to order them from the highest interest rate down to the lowest interest rate, or the lowest balance down to the highest balance. The first method may save you the most money, but the second method is nice because it helps you to feel your progress. Whatever you decide, just make sure you attack one debt at a time.

  • Second be sure to check out some ways to save money. Saving some money will help you pay off your debt and how will you do this? Start by gaining momentum on your saving, then find ways on how to reduce the interest you have on your debts, then make sure you pay up on the particular set date for you reimbursement. Don’t miss out even when the said amount is not enough explain to your loan agent so you come to an understanding but make sure you pay up. Once you have paid of your debt, you will be able to save more than before.

You’ll be shocked by just how much you can save when you have no debt. I encourage you to envision that now. What will it be like to be free of any debt whatsoever? What could you save towards for? How much further will each and every paycheck go? Grab onto this vision and let it be a motivation for your efforts.

Invest in your future by paying off your debt. It’s a guaranteed return on investment. You’ll know what to expect and, as you pay off each debt, you’ll have more money to throw towards your other financial goals.

Now don’t go back into debt! Spend less on every check, make sure you save more and find other streams of income to feed your push for things you think you can’t stop spending on. I will talk about more of income streams in my next posts will share the link when I do. For example, let’s say you love going out with friends on weekend have some fun, or you want to buy a new pair of shoes every month, find something that will compensate that amount you spend on these luxuries. Don’t quote me wrong, I am not saying don’t go out on weekends or don’t buy new things, it’s okay to spoil yourself but make sure you are still within your earnings don’t go back in debt after you have gone through the debt clutches, they can’t leave you safe one more time. Avoid debt for the rest of your life.

I would love to hear from you on how you have overcome that big debt you have. 

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Have a lovely debt free life.

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